An Eye of Fraudulent… Must Read!

An Eye of Fraudulent By: EJ Faye Dulay

Have you tried updating your life using cellular phones? Are you fond of watching news in the television from all over the world?

If yes, then a life changing event has come in to your life.

If yes, then a life changing event has come in to your life.

The society nowadays has the power of manipulating things we tend to see on the internet, television or newspaper. The vast ignition of technology has brought us to the modern world of living. We humans has the ability in shaping our own evolution. Over the years, how we communicate evolved immensely.

Today, many of our inventions are focused on creating faster ways of communicating with each other, and in the process, we’re creating more data than humans can comprehend. Computers and the internet have become a necessity in the lives of individuals of all ages. An ensemble of news, articles, and facts in different internet platforms has a great influence in luring the minds of all the people.

An ensemble of news, articles, and facts in different internet platforms has a great influence in luring the minds of all the people.

We tend to believe in what we see rather scrutinizing every small print of details. The rapid diffusion of these are making us individuals dependent on what we see. But are all the details from the Internet legit? Abraham Lincoln said,

“Don’t believe anything you read on the internet just because there’s a picture with a quote next to it.”

An Eye of Fraudulent: WHY DO THEY DO THIS?

As the time goes by, many people are now accessing on the internet especially that we are now suffering from a pandemic and the only way to get an information is through online sources, tv broadcasts, and radio broadcasts but others are making fake news to make us fall into a trap.

An Eye of Fraudulent: Fake news, also known as junk news, pseudo-news, alternative facts or hoax news, is a form of news consisting of disinformation or hoaxes spread online social media and other online sources.

Fake news, also known as junk news, pseudo-news, alternative facts or hoax news, is a form of news consisting of disinformation or hoaxes spread online social media and other online sources.

Why do they do this? People who invent fake news may do it for a multitude of reasons:

  • Out of hatred, spite or jealousy;
  • To get revenge, teach someone a lesson;
  • For political reasons;
  • Promote an ideology;
  • To harm a business competitor;
  • Promote products;
  • But especially because it pays!

Yes it is actually pays through clicking the page and ads.

Fake news is a current phenomenon, though it dates back hundreds of years ago.

An Eye of Fraudulent: HOW TO SPOT FAKE NEWS?

Fake news is a current phenomenon, though it dates back hundreds of years ago.

Fake news is everywhere. You can found that on Google, Facebook, Twitter and other online sources. The fact that if a lie is repeated many times, you’ll begin to believe it’s true. This can create confusion and misunderstanding about important social and political issues. Also, they are making fake products like medicines and soaps. Trusting these false stories could lead you to make decisions that may be harmful to your health. To avoid these, we must examine the news if it true or not. To spot the fake news, we must        

1. Develop a Critical Mindset

One of the main reasons fake news is such a big issue is that it is often believable, so it’s easy to get caught out.

Critical Mindset. One of the main reasons fake news is such a big issue is that it is often believable, so it's easy to get caught out.

2. Check the Source

Check the source always because others are only faking it and you will be in danger.

3. See Who Else Is Reporting the Story

See who else reporting the story so that you will know if it is the truth.

4. Examine the Evidence

Examine the Evidence always to be safe from danger.

5. Don’t Take Images at Face Value; and

Don't Take Images at face Value.

6. Check That it “Sounds Right”

Sounds Right

Remember we must be careful on what we are reading and watching. As George Bernard Shaw said

“Beware of false knowledge, it is more dangerous than ignorance”