Colen Henry – An Upside-down Pianist Has Been Performing. Everyone’s Jaw Dropped…

He impressed the judges on Saturday night’s installment of Britain’s Got Talent with his unique act.
And it has been revealed that Britain’s Got Talent pianist Colin Henry has been entertaining audiences with his upside down piano playing skills for over 40 years. The 68-year-old showed he’s still got what it takes as he flipped backwards off his stool, playing the piano while standing on his head.

The Doncaster native’s first television appearance helped cement his music career, which saw him support the likes of late stars Paul Daniels and Marti Caine. He has also enjoyed a successful cruise ship stint and has appeared in pantomimes.

According to the Daily Star, Colin said: ‘My routine has served me well. Even now, people are still gobsmacked when they see it. ‘I’ve even got the world record for playing the piano upside down.’
Colin’s skills went down a storm with the judges, who were blown away by his quirky act.

Alesha Dixon said: ‘You’re amazing. I didn’t see that coming.’

Source : DailyM

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